Hifzul iman pdf
Hifzul iman pdf

Keywords: Da’wah, Preaching of Islam Urdu Literature Da’wah Principles, Da’wah Methodology, Sub-continent Works. This essay will prove helpful and useful (in general) to those readers who have no access to these books and to the English readers (in particular) who are not familiar with these works. Reviewed and assessed as per the dates of their publication, not as per their contents or the subject matter, an appraisal of these works reveals that the Urdu literature is not only rich on highlighting this particular theme of Islamic scholarship, but this literature is significant and commendable as well. These works deal with da’wah and its various theoretical aspects like methodology, tactics, policies, and principles, as well as with various practical aspects and dimensions. In this essay, an appraisal and assessment of ten (10) works on Da’wah in Urdu language, produced from 1950s to 2000s, has been made. In the Urdu language, especially from the second half of the 20th century, a great deal of literature has been produced on the different dimensions of this theme. Numerous works have been written on this theme-its guiding principles, importance, strategies, and other inter-related aspects-in different languages (like Arabic, English, and Urdu). I conclude with observations on the autonomy of Islam as a discursive tradition and how to re-conceptualize reform.ĭa’wah (preaching of Islam) is one of the significant themes of Islamic scholarship.

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It then discusses Tablighi Jamaat as a varied, complex instance of reform. This chapter begins by discussing the intellectual contributions of Shah Waliullah’s (1703–1762) reform initiatives and his impact on the subsequent thoughts and movements. Rejecting the nearly standard dualism between local and universal/Arab/Islamic, I show how various Islamic reform movements and currents in Asia from 18th to 20th centuries inform and display initiatives of (re)making self, society and tradition under the global Western domination.

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Against this, I argue that reform, iṣlāḥ and tajdīd, should be seen in terms of Islam’s own Weltanschauung according to which ideas and practices of reform are integral to Islamic history and tradition from early on as they predate West’s rise.

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Islamic reform is often identified with the misleading term Wahhabism and as an anti-Western ideology opposed to all that West is depicted to stand for: Enlightenment, liberalism, freedom, tolerance and so on.

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